Super cool worldflower video
DM video
Digital Dillema
Orca VR application distro video
Pervasive Tweeds
Pervasive Tweeds part deux
Giddy World
Space Jellyfish

also here is the middleware code that detects screen size from a cookie and changes the video you see:

app.use((req, res, next) => {
    let url = req.url;
    let urlS = url.split("/");
    let file = urlS[urlS.length-1];
    console.log("URL: ", file);
    if (file.includes('.webm') && !url.includes('videos/desktop') && !url.includes('videos/mobile')) {
        const cookie = req.headers.cookie;
        console.log("WEBM COokie: ", cookie);
        let cookieInfo = null;
        if (cookie) {
            console.log("COOKIE FOUND: ", cookie);
            cookieInfo = cookie.split('=');
            if (cookieInfo && cookieInfo[0] === 'screen_width') {
                let screensize = cookieInfo[1].split(";")[0];
                if (!req._isModified) {
                    req._isModified = true;
                    console.log("SCREEN SIZE: ", screensize);
                    const newUrlEndingByScreenSizeMap = {  '400': "_250",  '800': "_500",  '1200': "_750" };
                    const newUrlEndingForScreenSizeKey = newUrlEndingByScreenSizeMap[Object.keys(newUrlEndingByScreenSizeMap).find((key) => {
                        console.log("Key: ", key, " | screen size: ", screensize);

                        return Number(key) >= screensize;
                    console.log("newUrlEndingForScreenSizeKey: ", newUrlEndingForScreenSizeKey);

                    const newFileNameWithProperResolution = file.slice(0, -5) + `${newUrlEndingForScreenSizeKey}.webm`;
                    if(screensize > 800) {
                        res.redirect(302, url.replace('/s/pa/ces/over/tabs/vidyas/', 'videos/desktop/').replace(file, newFileNameWithProperResolution));
                    } else {
                        res.redirect(302, url.replace('/s/pa/ces/over/tabs/vidyas/', 'videos/mobile/').replace(file, newFileNameWithProperResolution));
                } else { next(); }
            } else { next(); }  /* req._isModified not set -- will be set by now, if applicable */
        } else { next(); } /* req._isModified not set -- will be set by now, if applicable */
    } else {next();} /* Not a webm file so there's nothing to do! */